We recently participated in a fun headshot event at the Greater Beverly Chamber of Commerce. We set up our portable studio in the Chamber office and got to work, photographing seventeen people who hate having their picture taken!
If I had a dollar for every time I heard that!!
Our number one goal is to make you look GREAT! We are all so self-critical, never pleased with our appearance, but I can tell you – NOBODY ever notices the minute details you fester over – honestly. The most important feature to focus on, for me anyway, is your eyes. Your eyes really are the gateway to who you are. My goal for our shoot is to find your happiest, brightest eyes, the ones that your audience are going to want to do business with. So, we will take a few shots, from several angles, and have a look. We use reflectors to throw as much light back into them so they really stand out. Don’t worry about what you’re wearing – nobody’s going to be able to take their eyes off your eyes! We had a terrific day and got some great headshots!
If you have an office or team that could use some matching headshots, hit us up!
Looking for your headshots from that day? Click HERE!