Engagement photo, framed in an extra large matt, makes for an excellent guest book, one you can look at every day.
o.m.g. it’s been a busy busy week. Of course, I was away for work so that didn’t help. But I did come home to lots of boxes! New studio gear and props are slowly coming in, although I won’t have much time to install everything before Friday’s party. I can’t wait for my next newborn shoot, though, we have some cute new things to try out!
On Saturday, I had the pleasure of photographing my friend Tabitha’s wedding. I remember a year ago thinking, a year, man, we have TONS of time. And suddenly it was upon us! Amazing, how fast time flies. Tabitha was a VISION! I can’t post the pictures yet, the bride has to see them first, but look for them soon! I love being a part of the special moments in people’s lives, it’s a real privilege.
Now my attentions are turned to Friday’s open house again. I will be there every night this week hanging frames and setting up. Please bring a friend if you come, the more the merrier!