Stop trying so hard!

Every day I see people in the studio for their corporate head shots and the first thing they say is… I HATE having my photo taken!! So do I!  We are all so self-conscious of ourselves, especially as we get older! But here’s the best tip I can ever offer anyone: stop trying so hard.…

When your website blows up.

Yesterday’s big DDOS (Denial of Service) attack at GoDaddy left the social media streams abuzz with activity.  Most of it negative and directed at GoDaddy, which is rather pointless, but it goes to prove that if GoDaddy can get attacked – and Sony and the government hacked even with their multi-million dollar infrastructures – so can you. Most smaller…


I just wanted to thank my friend Leighton O’Connor of Blue Swirls Marketing for referring his clients to me recently.  To say Leighton is multi-talented is an understatement.  Not only is he a marketing expert, but he is also a superb digital marketing strategist, web developer – and photographer, AND an all-around nice guy.  Recently Leighton called…

So long, my friend

Every Monday morning at 8am I would meet with this guy. Even after he moved to Florida recently, we continued to meet via Skype. When I went to his house to see him off, there were no goodbyes, only a “See you on Monday”, business as usual, then he gave me the coffeemaker he had…


I always love the first day back in the studio after the new year.  I backup the previous year’s images (again) and make that new entry on the server “2015”.  A blank folder, much like a blank canvas – just what will we get up to this year I wonder!  As I spent the holiday season…


Hey everyone, Lately I have been experiencing an amazing amount of e-mail disruptions, which has been getting worse and worse.  It’s been hard to decypher exactly where the problem lies, it’s not just one e-mail account or even one platform.  I thought I may be my mac, or my internet connection, but there are no…

How to download your session images

“Ok, so how do I access my files?” I hear this alot.  When deciding on which provider to use to store and serve my images, I went with the company that had the best product.  Hands down, their prints are superior to any others I’ve used….but downloading the images is not straightforward as I had…